Shimmering and shining with grace

Leaves of Light


Quaking, and dripping

With open heart

Vibrating their own brand of uniqueness

Their ethos of beauty unmatched


Layers of sound and happenstance

Occurring  in tandem

 As morning marches on

 Birded bands arise fanatically

Yet with such pulchritude

And grace

While the glitz and glisten 

Of jaded stars fade away 


All giving way to the

Pomp and splendor

Of dawn awakening
With the Sun's pageantry

Speaking loudest

And of course

Being most notable



Puffs of cotton fleeing

On the wind from

Some unknown source

Bouncing, drifting softly

Along in ethereal bliss

Stuttering on the Moment

As if waiting to be captured

By me

A hope and a dream

Too tempestuous

Not to consider

And yet I surrender

As the march of morn passes on


Ducks get their

Glide on
A sweetly melodic current.

And not in any hurry to get anywhere
In particular-
How nice

Rivers meander too, I suppose
They must feel there is no

Reason to race the course

Or run raggedly about

Unless forced upon them externally


My insertion

Belies the quietude of scene

Yet does not disrupt it (smile)


For I am of no consequence
To the impersonal nature of business here

Familiar yet alone, I feel estranged
But only because of the

Eternal conditioning 


Of my DNA that whispers to me

Something different..

Oh Joy!

A signal there is hope
In  someday restoring

What had been lost
For All of us

And so it's on you, Nature!
To call me alive

So that I may bear witness
To all that is here

A scene continuously changing
And never to be the same again

For the next wayward wanderer
Who drops in unannounced

Accepting that once

I wander on
As the dance shall go on.



Glimmering metallic and indigo bodies

Playing some sort of

Game of tag
As they fly random

And tandem
Wingtip to wingtip
Careening along the shore

Their stripped display modeled

In painterly fashion

A four-winged dragonfly
Curves as much as it careens
Boasting blues both on belly and wing

Looping in lollipop fashion
So sweet to witness
Such carefreeness 

Swirling, whirling, and whizzing into place
A brief touching- in for
A moments pause
Resting on a reed that waves itself

Into some sort of glory.

Reed on river's edge
Gently swaying in the wind
As if to say 'hi' Friend
You are invited to stay
And play with me

For a while

So ready and yet

At once leaving again
Without moments notice



Ants working the territory along my
knee so patiently

Ardently in pursuit of something I can not see

With big eyes

But- they do.
Their efforting is palpable

And with a 'knowing sense' there is

Some sort of something

There for them

That is Indispensable


Ants marching along
Cross-eyed in their frantic chase,

Awkward acrobatic motion

Unbeknownst to me
As a bigger life form

Here too, 

Ground bees  are a-buzzing
Under the canopied protection
Of bramble.

Otherworldly spaces
That we never stop
To consider

Worlds upon worlds
Layers upon layers
Visible and invisible
Barely grazing awareness
Attention anchored slightly there

As if to see into this otherworldly

Patch of place
...Takes a particular kind of eyeing...

A Kind, soft gaze
Helps one relate
To the plight
Of the creatures
Who dwell there
Without fanfare

Whole Universes
This matrix exposes
Of shared experience
We call Living

To stop and enter into this
Sort of communion is a
Sacred Experience

Magical are these separate worlds
Not so different from ours-
At all.
Once I pay attention
To that sort of thing...

The gentle breeze ever swooping into

Force the perfect moment
Giving me some reprieve
And sparing me from the tempestuous
heat of the day

Whose intensity is unsparing.


A gentle breeze show up

That will placate

What has happened

From fire and air playing.

Stagnant water pooling

Over there
As dead debris
and shells of bodies

Marinate in the muck

Heat oppressive

And smothering me with
His wet blanket

Paralyzes me in
Supine position
until Late
When Father Wind takes over
the gig-

Swooping in 

To rescue all in earnest
Such kindness
From a kindred Spirt
And favorite friend.

