A Story.


... As a Child: 


There Existed A high affinity for a Douglas fir tree that lived in the front yard of where I grew up. Connecting to the natural world as a young person meant spending quite a lot of time there playing by myself.  Comfort and ease existed in the forest that I rarely felt while inside. 

During the summer months, I could hardly wait for morning to break so that I could check on what had transpired while away.  I knew the lay of branches on that friend well- which ones were closest to the ground and acting as an enabler. Doug's sturdy limbs beckoned, ascending one on top of another, leading me the way up and then beyond. I knew intuitively of the interconnection that existed between us.  Gingerly onward I continued with whimsy and grace, mind narrowed to a point.

At times I would catch myself clinging to Doug's trunk and hugging fiercely with all of my might. Catching my breath allowed a moment of solidarity while steadying my presence. As I climbed on toward the gilded streams of light coming from above, I relaxed. Magical. The sweet smell and stick of the sap gooey on my hands invigorated my senses. The roughness of the bark seemed to peel away in pieces as the tiny poke of the twigs and spurs scratched my limbs on the way up and scuffed and scraped me on the way down. A gentle reminder after our ritual playdate that we had connected once again. That tree and I in a mutual honoring of our spirit essence. We co-existed in our rhythms, living and breathing together as one.

As the seasons cycled, I became keenly aware of the intricacies of happenings as lapses and passings occurred within the natural world. I would often sit outside stuck on the ground during the stormy times allowing the weather to engulf me. As I listened to what the winds had to howl about, I became transfixed. The messages carried swiftly on through the rustle of the branches were telling. Meanwhile, the bright grey wash of the sky felt oppressive and banal. The slow dance of fine Seattle rain would fizzle to a drizzle.  Sky breaking apart and diversifying brought an awakened vigor that only a child can know.  The show of Spirit arrives to uplift and remind me as a young person that everything is okay because it is changing. 

...Present Day: 

My present-day nature meditation practice has everything to with connecting with the Source- sharing in that dance and recognizing the interconnectedness in all of life. Oh, how the non-dual nature of existence shows up sweetly and stunningly whenever we take the time to observe.

And whatever you want to call that phenomenon- Universe, God, Mother, or Other- it is to be lived as 'experience defined.' Because what it comes down to is that word 'surrender'-  a loosening on the grip of identification with 'Self,' and that 'I-ness' that slowly creeps in when the big 'E' gets too out of control. Nature has such a magnificent way of tempering that phenomenon. Softening it. Smoothing out the rough edges. Taming it into submission without killing it altogether. For we do require some ego structure to function in this mundane worldly life.  

So this 'connecting with Source' means becoming absorbed into something greater than oneself. Time in nature seems to help us forget about that burden with more ease and routine- I look forward, even crave time spent in Nature's humble abode. I feel that in nature, I can see clearly the Reality. There is no adulteration of the picture. It is 'as it is,' which could be pleasant or unpleasant, beautiful or ugly, harsh or lovely- and so much more.


…Nature Teaches Us Lessons.

Lessons on the Universal Truths become readily accessible while there and freely available. Like a fetus who finds nourishment through the umbilical cord, we are ensconced in a womb-like presence of Nature- all protecting, she feeds us what we need, to not only survive but to thrive. 

…And, What Are Those Lessons?

The first of the 'Big lessons' that nature shares with us is that of the presence of our non-dual existence. 'Reality,' with a capital 'R'!

But, assimilating this particular lesson can prove challenging. The concept of non-dualism can be quite difficult to understand conceptually,  as it takes work.  I grappled with this foundational truth during my younger years. However, once you 'get it,' the intangibility of it all-, and are okay with living in that sort of 'paradoxical state,' with the lack of concreteness structure, and stability, that it poses, you can once and for all begin to catch a glimpse of Reality revealed.

Another Truth that becomes accessible within the context of nature meditation has to do with 'examining the layers.' 


"Layers make up everything if you think about it. 'Impermanence' being amongst one of the most significant."

…Being mindful in and of Nature.

"Minding On" is what I call what is happening within the succession of moments without it all getting too sticky. The 'on' part of minding just means that you are not getting attached to one point in time or another, which at times, is where we end up getting stuck! It is incredibly subtle... so "placing the mind faculty" on what is occurring here and now is what we are doing.  If it wobbles, then you do your best to set it straight again, and again- so the practice of 'strengthening the balance of the mind' is what we are doing when we practice mindfulness.

And then what is 'mindfulness- being mindfulness in nature? 

'Nature' means 'natural world' and is a world manifest where the 'all-ness' seems to exist uninterrupted.

Process happening naturally...
A continuum.

Continuity of moments uninterrupted 

There are layers
Layers of experience
As revealed to us through the six sense doors- sights, sounds, odor, taste, touch, and mind

Experiencing the layers simultaneously
Without getting pulled into one or the other
No attachment 

Looking at this. Observing layers.
How they meld together
Without agenda
Morphing continuously- in every 'sense.'

IImpersonal yet perfect in every way

Nature has,, everything to do with
The natural naked world
That exists Naturally
In Everything and, as it is

Why is it that we are so in love with

Our Mamma, Mother Nature? 
Is it because we are born out of her?
We are here fruit to bear?

Nature meditation allows us to be a part of this 'process manifest'.

Being 'mindful' in nature
Allows us to become a part of the scene.'

the 'Moment's scene'...

Nature is the 'Truth-teller.'
We dwell in Truth as and when we
Dwell in nature

'Meandering' is an excellent way to
Spontaneously interact with

Absorb these truths

Bypassing the intellect and solely
Relying upon full intuition

This ability to be open

And receptive

No "efforting".

 Such a vital component.


Nature offers us a brilliant and accessible path to experiential education; the definition of ‘experiential education' is a sort of learning that takes place ‘outside’ of a classroom. This type of learning is rooted deeply in the exploration of the world that embraces us.

A traditional, enclosed classroom scenario signifies limitation, separation from the subject matter, and no space to breathe. This has proven for many to be a discouraging environment. How does one naturally experience what we are meant to understand about life when we are unable to fully engage with it? Nature offers this opportunity beautifully. 

The best classroom is one that is spacious, expansive, and available to everyone regardless

Of class, gender, background, culture, and values.

In these spaces, our world becomes more open and attenuated to the richness of interpretation

Freedom and flow.

An adventure of uncertainty.

Helps to regain balance in my moment-to-moment/day-to-day existence - sanity, connect with myself / God through Nature - as God could be Nature anthropomorphized if one wants to look at things that way- regardless- it all humbles me, brings perspective in abundance, and cultivates overwhelming joy and gratitude for 'what is' - for merely what is ... 

The natural world can be thought of as a technology neutralizer. 

Learned much about 'the way things are'  through the observation of nature. Soaking in the sights, sounds, and smells, allows it all to permeate with immediacy and intermingle with my essence my soul-soup! Then I plop my cap atop my head to keep all that goodness inside and on reserve - steady and ready to battle the world at notice - from form and letter or otherwise..  (spiritual realm)

Writhe and wiggle it all (what?) too metallic for my taste - hard to palate at times when I am alone at last once again, in nature, as it should be,, I am free. 

The ground of the floor earth at the bottom, underneath, steadfastly holding on to me, rooting me, nourishing me from the tips of my feet up through the lines of energy that make my life force dance radiantly,, bejeweled flecks of their honeyed light delight as their shimmy and flash. Oh please shine on, and on, until your reserve of light rays depart on their merry way.